GEMI is an organization of leading companies dedicated to fostering global environmental, health and safety (EHS) and sustainability excellence. GEMI is unique in that it provides a way for companies in a wide range of industrial sectors to work together in a cost effective manner. Members address strategic and tactical issues impacting progressive corporate environmental, health and safety, and sustainability activities in their companies around the world. Through the collaborative efforts of its members, GEMI also promotes a worldwide business ethic for EHS management and sustainable development through example and leadership.
As Senior Fellow at GEMI, Scott Nadler provides input into overall GEMI priorities as well as personally leading GEMI multi-sector Work Groups. In 2022, he is leading three groups:
- Emerging Sustainability Leadership. This project addresses the range of structures and ESG leadership roles across companies; challenges in executing ESG leadership roles; and challenges in getting, keeping and growing in senior ESG leadership roles. Participants include rising ESG leaders; lateral leaders moving into ESG from other corporate functions; evolving EHS leaders adding new content and context to their experience; and veteran ESG leaders.
- SEC Disclosure Preparation. This work group brings together corporate EHS and Sustainability leaders from across sectors to identify, understand and develop strategies to prepare their companies for an increased level of regulatory disclosure and scrutiny of ESG risks and opportunities, especially focused on climate change, helping them ensure corporate integrity and earn and maintain the trust of a wide range of interested stakeholders.
- Sustainability Disruption (led jointly with Natalie Pryde). Building on a successful 2021 project, this work group helps participants identify, understand and develop strategies to prepare for a wide range of possible future global disruptions that may challenge short to mid-term business sustainability goals, while creating new opportunities for leading organizations to position themselves for greater resiliency and success in the long-term.
Additional information on all GEMI 2022 activities can be found at https://gemi.org/news/.