“Operationalizing sustainability”. That’s the hard part. A new survey of US ESG/EHS leaders found that their biggest successes have been[…]
Read moreCategory: Climate change
John Englander and the Urgency of Adaptation
John Englander taught me the urgency of climate adaptation. His new book, Moving to Higher Ground, reminds us of that urgency while[…]
Read moreCovid-19: Fresh Lessons for Climate
Covid-19 reminds us of lessons for managing climate challenges that hold true whether or not you’re working in “unprecedented” times: DO listen[…]
Read more“Dear Mr. Fink”: Black Rock and the fog of sustainability
I just published a short article on LinkedIn applauding Black Rock’s sustainability commitment while proposing a simple next step to[…]
Read moreBusiness, Climate and “Agnostic Adaptation”
I recently published an article on business leaders who are addressing climate adaptation with the help of an “agnostic adaptation” approach.[…]
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Stranded assets, stranded egos and stranded careers
Stranded assets are a big barrier to change. Both environmental and economic progress can be stifled by stranded assets. But[…]
Read moreThe Easiest Environmental Decision You’ll Ever Make
Hillary Clinton says: “Climate change is an urgent threat and a defining challenge of our time.” Donald Trump says: “I[…]
Read moreSea Level Rise: We know now what we’ll wish we knew then
I’ve spent 40 years working on investment and disinvestment decisions, both in the public and private sectors. I’ve worked with[…]
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