Introducing my web site

This is an experiment in sharing my perspectives with a wider range of colleagues around the world.  It will be a combination of a blog on this site, and links to things I write that appear on other sites.

It will reflect my interconnected interests in environment, sustainability, business strategy and public policy.  It will also reflect my forty-plus years of experience in politics, government, industry, consulting and academia.

Opinions on this site are solely my own and do not necessarily represent the views of ERM, its partners or clients.


  1. Great stuff as usual, Scott. I enjoyed the VP article in EHS Journal as well. It would be nice to find a way to work together again soon. Cheers.

  2. Thanks Scott for sharing your thoughts in the blogsphere. I have recently re-read a book titled Knowledge Assets: securing competitive advantage in the information economy by Max Boisot (who sadly died this year). I think you will enjoy it, as it talks about the relationship between knowledge assets and energy/environmental resources, and how to deal with them at a strategic level within organizations. This is not a recipe book, and it needs to be absorbed slowly.

    1. Thanks for the suggestion! I’m starting slow but I’ll take a look at how best to tie into social networking including google+.

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